Update: Codurodesign.com and Coduro.com are up and running …perfectly? 😉
First and foremost Coduro Design had a great and fun consulting project with Irwin Tools. Thank You Jillian and Brandolyn!
As for the initial launch of Coduro.com we have had a busy month making sure everything was up and running properly to say the least. Both sites are live and functional (at the time of writing this). An unexpected location switch was needed to make them work. It felt like starting over but went better than expected and didn’t have nearly as many issues as there could have been. Fortunately we now have multiple backups of the initial sites, mostly out of fear of losing months worth of work. A few parts took longer than expected (like security certs.), didn’t work (like merchant services), or needed a lot of tweaking and upgrades to get them functioning well for the long haul (all of the above and more).
Coduro.com isn’t complete by any means, but it can now be considered a functional site and work in progress. We have a ton of small tweaks and additions we will continue to make but the site is live, safe and secure. If you visited us at the beginning of the month a few things not only looked different, loaded slow, or may not have worked at all (ie; selecting earrings and only seeing necklaces). We are sorry and hopefully have worked out all the major bugs.
The goal is to continue to make it better and let our customers help direct those changes. We have a lot of questions about what you think works well on the site, but also what you want to see and hear from us. To let us know your opinions, send us an email at design@coduro.com. Eventually we will implement a voting/research page that our customers can access, but for now it’s low tech one-on-one communication. There is still a lot on the plate for coduro.com but our foundation is solid.
Our biggest project now is to Promote-Promote-Promote in every-way possible. We need to let people know Coduro exists and to do so we need your help. If you like our designs please share this link or our past blog posts that you enjoyed on your social media, take selfies with our products or just tell people about coduro.com (It’s just six letters, CO-DU-RO .com [Koh-dor’-oh]) – Thank You!
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A Special Thank You Too: Huon (Hero, our first customer), Megan (Thank you for the great review), Beverly, Ginny, Shirley, Heather, Erin, Ashley, Lauren, Allison, Ash, Shelbie, Kristen, Mistypisy, Andee, Nbartold, Brenda, Corey, Anj071, Kitty, Angelikaspaeth, Amanda, Riddelbx, Brooke, Racheal, Megan, PatternLoon, Carolw25, Glor, Nikki, Sisstonstreet, Hkjeska, Mariana, Meg, Haley, Csstevenscole, Elizabeth, Megan, Mary, Ladylex41, Brenna, Darby, Heather, Trish, Jenn, CiGGİ, Sam, CharonsCrypt, Irina Kovalchuk, flotito, Erin, Suzie, h, and mndmndmd.